
We invite all Christians in the profession to join our network of lawyers, judges, law professors, and law students committed to loving and serving Jesus Christ through the practice of law!

When you join CLS, you become a part of a national Christian legal community committed to a common confession of faith. You also join others in advocating for religious freedom and the sanctity of human life, mentoring and equipping law students to integrate their faith and legal education, promoting public justice, and encouraging biblical conflict resolution.

More importantly, your membership supports Christian Legal Aid Ministries, Attorney Ministries, Law Student Ministries, and the Center for Law and Religious Freedom.

We want you to be a part of the CLS family more than we want your financial support, so please name “your own rate” if the suggested dues are a barrier to connecting with our community of Christians in the law.


Join CLS at the Law Student Rate


CLS law students have the potential to be redeeming influences on their campuses, in the profession, and the world in years to come. By virtue of their calling, every student will have the opportunity to glorify God and work for His kingdom in this world.  LSM is convinced that we must continue together in this task to “Seek Justice with the Love of God.”



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|CLS - Christian Legal Society - Center for Law & Religious Freedom © 2024|