Phoenix Chapter

Phoenix, AZ

City: Phoenix

President: David Williams

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: NA

Meeting Information: Third Thursdays

About Our Chapter:

Check back for more information

External site:


If you are a young attorney or law student and wish to be assigned a mentor (or to join one of our mentorship families rather than a one-on-one arrangement) or have a heart to serve as a mentor, please contact: James Williams (j[email protected])
Attorney Care & Support:
The entire CLS Board is here to serve you.  Please feel free to send us an email or connect with us at an upcoming meeting.

Join CLS:
If you are not already a member of the Christian Legal Society, you can join today

Monthly Events

Prayer Meeting – Scottsdale
First Tuesday of Month – 7:30 a.m.
Scottsdale Bible Church – The Cafe
7601 E. Shea Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ  85260
Jim Rayburn – [email protected]
Linda Bowers – [email protected]

Prayer Meeting – West Valley
First Wednesday of Month – 7:00 a.m.
Keist Law, 7508 N. 59th Ave.
Glendale, AZ  85301
Steve Keist 623.937.9799 [email protected]


Check back for more information.


Friday, May 22, 2020
12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (AZ Time/PST)


We are all continuing to adjust to the COVID-19 environment.  The issues that have arisen in this environment beg the question of “Are You A Healthy Lawyer.”  We will explore this topic in our next Zoom Meeting on Friday, May 22, 2020 at 12 pm (AZ/PST).  We will be offering this discussion as a 1 Hour CLE (with Ethics Credit).

The discussion will be led by Brent Amato of the Christian Legal Society.  Brent is the CLS Chicagoland Coordinator and the former CLS National President. Brent has prepared this insightful discussion to help each of us answer the question of “Are You A Healthy Lawyer.”

Brent practiced transactional law in the Chicago area for forty years, specializing in corporate business and non-profit work. That practice was split about equally between private practice as a partner at two law firms and in-house corporate practice for two publicly-traded companies, first as an Associate Counsel and then as General Counsel.  As of December 31, 2014, he retired from the practice of law.  Brent has sought to integrate his Christian faith and his law practice through (i) the Christian Legal Society (as former Board member and President and now Staff member, working with lawyers and law students); (ii) Peacemaker Ministries and Crossroads Resolution Group (as a Certified Christian Conciliator for conflict resolution, mentor and teacher); (iii) Administer Justice and Gospel Justice Initiative (whose missions are to meet the legal and spiritual needs of the poor) and (iv) Judson University (as a Business Law Adjunct Professor).  Over these years, Brent has been a speaker and teacher at national, regional and local law-related conferences. Brent is married to Sherrie (his “better seven-eights”) and has been blessed with two children and six grandchildren. Contact Brent at [email protected]

May Qualify for 1 Hour of Ethics CLE

**Please email David Williams at [email protected] for CLE Certificates and Discussion materials.  Please send an RSVP email to David and you will be sent the materials in advance of the Zoom Webinar.**

Instructions for joining the Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 7884 6612
Password: 289597
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,84978846612#,,1#,289597# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,84978846612#,,1#,289597# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 849 7884 6612
Password: 289597
Find your local number:

We have created an online forum through “Slack” where our members can connect and share prayer requests.  Slack can be accessed via the web or through a mobile application.  Our CLS Board has been using Slack as a regular mode of communication and prayer.  Below is the link for you to join our CLS Prayer Forum:

Password is CLSPhoenix

If you need prayer and support, you can email us confidentially at [email protected].

February 20, 2020

Discussion Panel: Justice for All:  Our Call to Serve the Lost, Broken, and Hurting Through Christian Legal Aid

Panel Members:

  • Steven Keist, Esq.
  • Kate Miller, Esq.
  • Hon. John Gemmill (Retired)
  • Maria Torres, Esq.

*May qualify for up to 1 Hour of Ethics CLE


DATE:  February 20, 2020 beginning at noon (gather as early as 11:30 to fellowship)

COST:  Lunch and facilities are provided free of charge, courtesy of our Sustaining Members for 2020 (listed below).

ASU Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
Beus Center for Law and Society (BCLS)
111 E. Taylor Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004-4467
– ROOM 601 –



  • We have spaces reserved at the UC-2 Lot on the southwest corner of Fillmore and 1st Street.
  • The cost is $3.00 an hour/ $12.00 max a day.
  • Please mention the Christian Legal Society to the attendant.


Sustaining Members

Our chapter’s Sustaining Members for 2020 are listed (with hyperlinks) below
The generous donations from these individuals make it possible for us to provide all our regular CLS meetings and events (including CLE credit for some meetings) to you free of charge throughout the year.


Steve Hulsman (Personal Injury /
Wrongful Death / Insurance) of:

Peter S. Davis (Forensic Accounting and
Business Valuation Services) of:

David Rose of:

Wally Larson (Commercial Litigation, Business Law, Estate Planning) of:

Steve Keist, Joel Thurston, Kevin O’Brien, and Jackson Walsh
(Family Law, Litigation, Personal Injury, Estate Planning, Probate) of:

David Williams (Commercial/Real Estate Litigation, Admin. Law) of:

Chris Charles, Steve Oman, James Mueller,
Bryan Eastin, & Phil Overcash of:

Mark Schmitt, Tim Casey, John Even, Bob Brown,
Michael Edgell, Keegan Healey, and James Williams of:

Andy Fowler (Estate Planning); Sean St. Clair (Real Estate); Brian Locker (Civil Litigation) of: 

Mark Lassiter (Business, Real Estate,
Construction Litigation, ADR) of:

J. Scott Burns (Estate Planning, Real Estate, Corporate) of:

Our chapter is exceptionally grateful for the
support of these fine individuals.

Do You Need Help?

Christian Legal Society offers legal assistance for those in need through CLS’ network of Christian Legal Aid clinics and Christian Attorneys’ directory. CLS’ Center for Law & Religious Freedom is also available to address issues related to the infringement of religious freedom.

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Get Help with Religious Freedom
Find a Legal Aid Clinic