
Below is a list of sample Christian Legal Aid (CLA) webinars. Many more are available to member clinics in our CLA Network. 

Client Service

Self Care 101 for the Legal Aid Attorney.

Helping Those at Rock Bottom Find Mercy Over Judgment

Following God’s Call to Serve in the Midst of Upheaval

Helping Clients Reduce Anxiety in Times of Trouble

Spiritually Ministering to Clients in Times of Trouble

Being a Blessing to Our Neighbors in Need

The Future of Legal Aid:
Legal Innovation for Improving Access to Justice

Equipping Clients with Relational Skills

Starting a Legal Aid Clinic

Ready, Set, Go! Fundraising Readiness

Introduction to Starting a Christian Legal Aid Volunteer Clinic

Low Bono Legal Services

Starting a “Low-Bono” Christian Legal Aid Program


Race, Law, & the Gospel National Townhall Meeting

The Power of Forgiveness in Resolving Disputes

Human Trafficking Prevention Webinar

Asylum in the United States: An Overview of the Law and Recent Changes & Special

Protecting Indigent Tenants in a Time of COVID

Church and Ministry Resources for Resuming Activities

Protecting Our Seniors

The Power of Apologies in Resolving Disputes

All materials are copyrighted by the clinics from which they originated. Users of this library have a limited license to use these materials solely for non-commercial purposes for the benefit of the CLA clinics in which they serve. By accessing this library, you agree not to use the materials for any purpose other than stated above nor distribute any items outside of your CLA clinic.