City: Minneapolis
State: Minnesota
Address: Host: Peace and Hope International 3400 Park Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55407
Contact: NA
Website: https://parkavechurch.org/walk-in-legal-clinic/
Email: [email protected]
Serving the needs of the clients of the outreach network of the Foundation at the Park Avenue United Methodist Church. Services We Provide Services are free-of-charge for eligible persons. Services are limited to brief advice, one-time legal service and/or referral, ongoing legal representation is not provided. Individuals with on-going legal representation needs will be referred to other service providers, including private attorneys. Eligibility for Services You must earn under 300% of the federal poverty income guidelines. You must not already have a lawyer who represents you. How We Provide Services Intakes and appointments are done on a walk-in basis in the order of arrival. Upon arrival sign-up with the Intake coordinator (sign ups start after 2:45 p.m.) The intake coordinator will determine eligibility for services. When your name is called you must be present or you may lose your turn. There are between 9-12 appointments available every Thursday. Consultations are limited to 30 minutes. Volunteer Lawyers try to see every eligible person who walks in on the same day, however clients may need to return the next week if appointment slots become full. Intake and consultations with an attorney are confidential. Types of Questions We Answer The Walk-in Legal Clinic is staffed by volunteer attorneys, Generally, Walk-in Legal Clinic volunteers have expertise in the following areas of law: Immigration • Discrimination • Employment and labor • Family law • Consumer/contract • Housing/landlord/tenant • Wills Lawyers may also have expertise in other areas of law. If there is not an attorney on duty who knows the answer to your legal question, you may be referred to other service providers, or asked to return another day. For more information: 612-752-6655