Grateful This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is this week, and we are preparing for a family invasion.

It is the season of “thanksgiving” but if I am honest, I realize I am often not thankful or grateful for everyday things. I have learned this lesson over the past year after struggling with chronic health issues. Health is something I am so grateful for – and it is something that I took for granted nearly every day until it began to deteriorate. The experience has forced me to realize that I am not thankful enough for all the daily blessings in my life – a family to love, work for my hands and mind, leaves to rake, friends, music, sunshine, snow, freedom, books, comfortable shoes, running water, and so much more. God is good to me every day – and I am often rushing by too fast to notice.

So I encourage you to take time and be “thankful” this week. A recent viral video titled “Christmas Presents” (yet really, truly about gratefulness and thanksgiving) reminded me of this very fact. Take a few moments to watch it, and then take a few moments to thank the Lord for all the blessings that surround us.

I pray you have a blessed Thanksgiving.

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