by Hugh Whelchel
“And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here I have made five talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” Matthew 25:20-21
Do you see the practice of law as an opportunity to obey God’s call for your life and use the gifts that he has given you?
In the book of Genesis we see that God placed Adam in the garden to work it and take care of it. We were made to work. As Christians we have a mission that our Lord expects us to accomplish in the here and now.
Far too many evangelical Christians today see their salvation as simply a “bus ticket to heaven.” They believe it doesn’t matter what they do while they “wait for the bus.” The Parable of the Talents teaches us what we are supposed to do while we await the return of our King.
We are to work, using our talents to glorify God, serve the common good, and further God’s kingdom. Biblical success is working diligently in the here and now using all the talents God has given us to produce the return expected by the Master.
It is important to note that the money that is given to the servants is not their own. The servants are only stewards of the master’s investment, and it is the quality of their stewardship that the master seeks to measure. Therefore, we should maximize the use of our talents not for our own selfish purposes, but to honor God.
We should also remember that we work in a fallen world. Because of the curse of sin, our work will be difficult. But we should feel satisfaction and joy from doing our best with what God has given us in the place where his providence puts us, seeking to succeed in order to honor him.
Lord, help me to not view my work merely as a way to pay the bills or as wasted time which distracts me from ministry opportunities. I know that by working, I am using the talents and opportunities that you have entrusted to me to further your kingdom on this earth right now. Teach me to be a faithful servant who truly maximizes every opportunity to further your kingdom in the workplace. Help me to feel fulfilled through what I am doing and to not be discourage by the daily obstacles that I encounter. To you be the glory. Amen.
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CLS is collaborating with the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics to provide first-class devotionals for CLS members twice a month. Hugh Whelchel is Executive Director of the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, a non-profit, 501(c)(3) Christian research organization committed to promoting biblical and economic principles that help individuals find fulfillment in their work and contribute to a free and flourishing society.