The Center’s Work to Protect General Healthcare Rights of Conscience
Comments of CLS and Fellowship of Christian Physician Assistants on the Department of Health & Human Services’ Provider Conscience Regulations, 73 Fed. Reg. 50274-50285 (September 25, 2008).
CLS amici curiae brief in Stormans v. Selecky (9th Cir. 2008).
CLS amici curiae brief in Baxter, et al., v. Montana (Mont. Supreme Court) (2009).
Letter from CLS to the House Judiciary Committee regarding health care workers’ rights of conscience.
The Department of Health and Human Services explicitly broadened “preventive services” to include mandated coverage of contraceptives, including abortion inducing drugs on August 3, 2011. President Obama announced on February 10, 2012, that the Administration’s previous policy would be modified by issuance of some future regulations. CLS and 62 other religious organizations sent a letter to President Obama asking that the federal government re-think its inadequate exemption for religious employers in the new federal health insurance regulations. The definition failed to protect most faith-based ministries from having to provide insurance that covers abortion-inducing drugs.
The Center filed an amicus brief in support of Wheaton College and Belmont Abbey College in their joint challenge (Wheaton College v. Sebelius) to the “HHS Mandate.” The HHS Mandate is a federal regulation that requires employers to provide insurance coverage for Plan B and ella, which many regard as abortion-inducing drugs. While the mandate exempts some “religious employers,” the exemption is so narrow that these religious colleges do not qualify as “religious employers.”
CLS amici curiae brief in Stormans v. Wiesman (U.S. Supreme Court cert. stage 2016).
S.1467, also known as Amendment #1520 to S. 1813, is the “Respect for Rights of Conscience Act.” The amendment would amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the 2010 health reform law) to protect rights of conscience. The amendment provides that mandated health plans need not include coverage for items or services contrary to the religious beliefs of the issuer, purchaser, or beneficiary of the plan. The amendment also allows health plans to safeguard healthcare providers’ rights of conscience.
Department of Health & Human Services’ Regulations adopted by the Bush Administration in 2009 to protect conscience rights of healthcare professionals. The Obama Administration rescinded and replaced them in 2011.
HR 1179. Amendment to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (March 21, 2011) (bill to ensure that the 2010 health reform law will not force religious healthcare providers to provide abortions or other procedures in violation of conscience).
A Step Backward for Freedom of Conscience (March 1, 2011, article by Professor Michael McConnell on the Obama Administration’s partial rescission of the Bush Administration’s regulations regarding health care workers’ rights of conscience).