Event ideas for your fellowship


A simple dedication, once a semester, to walk through your campus and pray for the well-being of your classmates, professors, and staff.


AEI’s Initiative on Faith in Public Life has a wonderful documentary talking about the role of faith, politics, and the common good. A simple idea is to create an event where you watch the documentary and discuss the role of religion in public life. We encourage you to invite groups that see differently from you or may have certain misconceptions about Christianity. Even if the comments are critical, this is an opportunity to learn and reflect on ways to better serve your campus.

Remember James 1: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”

For access to the video, click here. For more on the Initiative, click here.


Believing in community, we encourage you to seek out opportunities to work with other chapters in your city, state, or nation. Think about topics that you’re passionate about, topics that you think your campus would enjoy digging deeper into, or topics that can provide encouragement to your classmates. CLS provides a unique opportunity to students for initiating discussions on topics rarely discussed in class (e.g., Christian jurisprudence). Take this opportunity to do just that!


If you know a person who inspires, encourages, or provokes thought, then invite that person to speak at a CLS sponsored event! You can do this alone, or invite other groups to join you in putting together a discussion that serves the law school campus. Nothing is better for enriching intellectual diversity then engaging in cross-cultural conversations that help students grow in their understanding of different perspectives.

To discuss any of these projects, contact Anton at [email protected]. He can further connect you with ministry partners, speakers, and staff across the world.

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