2020 Southwest Regional Retreat

2020 Southwest Regional Retreat


Striving for Faithfulness & Finding Success in the Legal Life

What does “success” look like for the Christian lawyer or law student?

We long to be successful, but often we define success poorly or misplace important priorities that are necessary to find true success in the Kingdom of God.

Over the retreat weekend, LSM Director and Trinity Law professor Mike Schutt will guide our discussions about chasing faithfulness in the context of the study and practice of law. Along the way, we’ll discuss our priorities, our identity, barriers, and strategies through the lens of the book of Joshua.​

Cost Registration costs include lodging and four meals (Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner and Sunday breakfast). We will arrange for your hotel reservation. Do not call the hotel. Registration and Lodging (Single Occupancy): Friday to Sunday: $450 Registration and Lodging (Double Occupancy): Friday to Sunday: $305 Registration and Lodging (Triple Occupancy): Friday to Sunday: $245 Law Student/Law Student Spouse Registration: $125* Spouse/Child 13+ Registration: $125 Children 7-12 – $75** Children 6 and under – free** *Law student price rooms will be shared with 1-2 other students, unless accompanied by Spouse Registration. **Children’s price requires the child be in the same room with parent(s). People registering for Double and Triple that do not indicate a roommate preference will get assigned roommates. Space is limited – sign up quickly! Registrations must be received by Thursday, January 30th. For questions, cancellations, or additional information please contact Kelli Marsh at [email protected]. Cancellations can only be accommodated through January 30, 2020.


Feb 21 - 23 2020

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