2022 Texas Regional Retreat
Stoney Creek Ranch, New Ulm, Texas
About Event:
Thank you for registering for the Texas regional retreat. After prayer and consideration, the planning committee met and decided to cancel this year’s Texas Regional retreat. We were hoping to gather in person to have a wonderful time of fellowship. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, registration was at an all-time low with only eight people planning to attend. We hope we can gather for a future Texas regional retreat. Stay tuned for more updates in Texas.
Since you have already registered, we plan to issue you a refund and you can look for the credit in your account in about a week. Alternatively, if you would like to donate this amount to CLS, please let me know as soon as possible. We hope to see you at our National Conference which will be held October 6-9,2022 in Newport Beach, California. Thanks for your continuous support of CLS.
Lakuita Bittle