2024 Southwest Regional Retreat
Courtyard San Diego Old Town
About Event:
This retreat will gather attorneys and law students from all over the southwest, including California and Arizona. We are thrilled to gather again in Old Town San Diego.
The retreat will include great opportunities for fellowship, networking, prayer and encouragement. We will also have a CLE option. Registration includes two nights of lodging, continental breakfast (Saturday and Sunday) and lunch on Saturday. Dinner will be on your own both Friday night and Saturday night with some free time to explore the area or catch up with old friends!
Our featured guest speaker for the weekend is attorney and Brandeis Professor of Law Emeritus at Pepperdine Caruso School of Law, Bob Cochran. Professor Cochran has a plethora of knowledge and encouragement to offer Christian attorneys and law students with integrating faith and vocation. The theme for the weekend will be launched from his most recent book: “The Servant Lawyer: Facing the Challenges of Christian Faith and Everyday Law Practice.”
Hurry and register before the deadline of Monday, February 26 at 5 p.m. (Pacific). More details are forthcoming.
Law Student Scholarships
As a reminder, Attorney Ministries teams up with Law Student Ministries each year to sponsor law student scholarships at ALL of our regional retreats. We want students to attend at a discounted (or even free) registration rate and enjoy wholesome fellowship. If you and/or your friends are interested in attending, register today and apply for a scholarship (download the document, fill in, and send to Anton Sorkin [email protected]).