
It is our hope that you to find this listing of organizations as a helpful resource as you begin your journey in the law. 

Christian Legal Society, and particularly Law Student Ministries, has official partnerships with multiple organizations including InterVarsity and Regent University School of Law. LSM Director, Mike Schutt, also teaches annually for Worldview Academy.

LSM also recognizes the consistent partnership of Center for Public Justice, CruTrinity Law School and Pepperdine University School of Law as sponsors of elements of the CLS’ National Conference.

As always, we hope you find CLS’ ministries, Center for Law and Religious Freedom and Christian Legal Aid, as valuable resources in the law.

Please find this list of organizations as potential points of reference for your legal needs.

Acton Institute

ADF’s Blackstone Legal Fellowship

Advocates International


Center for Public Justice

Church Law Institute

CLS’ Center for Law & Religious Freedom

CLS’ Christian Legal Aid

Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO)

Colson Center for Christian Worldview

Courtside Ministries

Cru – General Counsel’s Office

Denver Institute for Faith & Work

Emory Law School’s Center for the Study of Law & Religion

Family Research Council

Federalist Society

Georgetown’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs

Hearts & Minds Books

Institute for Faith Work & Economics

Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance (IRFA)

International Justice Mission

InterVarsity Grad & Faculty Ministries

InterVarsity Women in the Academy and Professions

The Institute on Religion and Democracy

John Jay Institute


LeTourneau’s Center for Faith & Work

Newseum Religious Freedom Center

Nootbaar Institute

Regent Law School’s Center for Ethical Formation & Legal Education Reform

Regent Law School’s Center for Global Justice

Russell Kirk Center

The Bible Project

The Max DePree Center

Voice of the Martyrs

Witherspoon Institute

World Vision

Worldview Academy

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