The Poor One Cries Out:

Protecting Indigent Tenants in a Time of COVID webinar

As many people struggle to pay rent after losing their jobs due to COVID-19, how can legal aid attorneys help protect tenants from eviction? Do the current protections and financial assistance go far enough, and if not, what can we as Christian lawyers do to help?  This webinar covers an overview of eviction issues with a focus on the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) September 4, 2020 national moratorium on evictions for qualified tenants.

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Sarah Sullivan has over two decades of experience practicing law in the public interest.  She currently works as the pro bono coordinator for an LSC-funded legal service program in Florida.  Ms. Sulivan also founded Jericho Road Legal Service Ministry, Inc., a Christian Legal Aid clinic borne out of her calling to serve others by incorporating innovative solutions and Christian compassion to lift up the community. Most recently, Ms. Sullivan was appointed to the Special Committee on the Future of Legal Services for the Florida Bar. The committee is exploring regulatory innovation in the legal industry. Contributing insight into access to justice and legal innovation, Ms. Sullivan’s inspiration from the parable of the Good Samaritan is focusing on how lawyers can not only resolve legal issues in a holistic and compassionate way, but can also be instrumental in the prevention of legal problems.

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Christian Legal Society offers legal assistance for those in need through CLS’ network of Christian Legal Aid clinics and Christian Attorneys’ directory. CLS’ Center for Law & Religious Freedom is also available to address issues related to the infringement of religious freedom.

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