Every school year, Law Student Ministries (LSM) provides an opportunity for students across the nation to join online to discuss monthly topics to cultivate the Christian Imagination.
The purpose for this Forum is to help law students escape their worldly busyness and develop liturgical habits for work and worship. It is a time to discuss the weightier matters of the law and reflect on God, who made all things for himself and, as such, His Creation daily testifies of His glory. To do this requires tapping into our narrative through a renewed imagination — not in the sense of pretending things to be true that are false, but reflecting on the patterns of everyday existence in order to see God’s glory through nature and our place in His redemptive plan. This Forum beckons us to consider – if only through a dim passage – that Light that knows no evening: to look upon His Creation and know that it is very good.
The name [pronounced NAMA-REE-AYE] is an Elvish chant that translates as “farewell,” sung by Galadriel as the Fellowship of the Ring left Lórien. It is a name that requires one to slow down, reflect, and participate in the aesthetics of language – in the most fundamental way. In our modern condition, filled with transactional engagements and short term pleasures, I hope the name is an opportunity for creating walls of stillness and enhancing our communion with the unseen realm. To escape from the earthly patterns and develop new habits for the eternal sense.
Read the short introduction here for a better idea of what we hope to accomplish.