Attorney Ministries

Equipping Christian attorneys,
both individually and in community,
to seek justice with the love of God.


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Our Ministry

CLS’ Attorney Ministries seeks to encourage and train legal professionals on how to integrate the Word of God and their faith in Jesus Christ into their professional and personal lives. We are legal professionals dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through the practice of law.

What We Do

CLS’ attorney chapters, located throughout the country, provide attorneys with a wide range of opportunities, including fellowship and spiritual development, discipleship, legal referrals, legal best practices, CLE training, and mentoring law students.

A Nationwide Network of Attorneys

CLS members can be found in every corner of every state in America. Whether they are attached to a local CLS attorney chapter or not, they continue to be the salt and light in the legal profession wherever and however the Lord calls them to practice

Having Community Matters

Meeting with other Christian attorneys offers the chance for regular fellowship activity. We can lose track of the importance to meet regularly to be encouraged, learn something new, and have fun. As a result, we end up over working, not staying in touch with colleagues, and missing out on an important aspect of Christian legal discipleship. If you attend monthly CLS chapter meetings, you’ll soon make it part of your routine. The more you attend, the more you will learn how to integrate faith and law, and your practice as well as those in need will benefit.

Do You Need Help?

Christian Legal Society offers legal assistance for those in need through CLS’ network of Christian Legal Aid clinics and Christian Attorneys’ directory. CLS’ Center for Law & Religious Freedom is also available to address issues related to the infringement of religious freedom.

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