CLS Group Membership

New Group Annual Membership Rates

You asked. We delivered!

Introducing New Standardized Group Annual Membership Rates

Christian Legal Society (CLS) is making a concerted effort to build and maintain community relationships with our community of Christian attorneys. As part of that effort, CLS has created our new group membership rates. We believe this will be a benefit to organizations with multiple CLS members by providing lower membership dues, lower registration costs for the annual CLS national conference, and much more! Plus, it will keep your entire community informed of CLS’ latest events, initiative, and publications.

Please see the charts below for package details.

Public Ministry (including nonprofits, churches, and NGOs)

Public ministry groups wishing to take advantage of the discounted rate must submit all paperwork no later than December 31. Public ministry group memberships are renewed on an annual basis for the entire group. Individual memberships will exist for each person for one full year, ending December 31.

Type of Organization Price Number of Members
Public Ministry
(Any member type)
5-10 members
(dues average $100 per person; save up to $800 for 10 members)
Public Ministry
(Any member type)
11-25 members
(dues average $100 per person; save up to $2000 for 25 members)

Law Firms

Law firms wishing to take advantage of the discounted rate must submit all paperwork no later than December 31. Law firm group memberships are renewed on an annual basis for the entire group. Individual memberships will exist for each person for one full year, ending December 31.

Type of Organization Price Number of Members
Small Law Firms
(Any member type)
5-10 attorneys/members
(dues average $200 per person; save up to $1600 on 10 members)
Law Firms
(Any member type)
11-25 attorneys/members
(dues average $200 per person; savings of $4000 on 25 members)

Law Schools (faculty/staff)

Law schools wishing to take advantage of the discounted rate must submit all paperwork no later than September 30. Law school group memberships are renewed on an annual basis for the entire group. Individual memberships will exist for each person for one full year, (or ending September 30). Please note that this does NOT include law students.

Type of Organization Price Number of Members
Law Schools
(faculty/staff only)
5-10 members
(dues average $100 per person; save up to $800 for 10 members)
Law Schools
(faculty/staff only)
11-25 members
(dues average $80 per person; savings of $2500 on 25 members)

Group Membership Instructions

Thank you for your partnership with CLS. If you are interested in taking advantage of one of these packages, please send an email to CLS’ Director of Attorney Ministries Lakuita Bittle at [email protected]. For more information or questions, organizations should also reach out to Lakuita.

Please note that CLS is a membership organization based on individual records; therefore, each individual MUST affirm CLS’ Statement of Faith, which is required for membership. The group contact is affirming that by filling out this group membership form, every individual submitted has affirmed the CLS Statement of Faith.  Furthermore, s/he understands that those who cannot affirm the CLS Statement of Faith are unable to be CLS members and are not eligible to join CLS either individually or through this group form.

In addition, information should be provided for each member of your organization that will be included in the group membership. Once submitted, there will be no additions or exchanges permitted throughout the annual membership year for these individuals. Changes should be made during the organization’s annual renewal process.

Group membership will only be given if the following conditions are met:

Complete our Statement of Faith: All CLS members must affirm our Statement of Faith by completing the form online here.

The group contact for each organization is responsible for making sure each individual affirmation is submitted electronically via the link above PRIOR to payment.

The group contact should also send a list of ALL individuals for whom membership is requested. The following information must be included:

  • Name
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Practice code(s)
  • Referral directory preference
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