Asylum / Refugee Resources

Legal Aid Sites by Subject Area


  • Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project
    List of legal aid clinics, attorneys, and other resources for people seeking asylum in the U.S.  Also contains legal resources for lawyers assisting those seeking asylum.
  • CALS Asylum Case Research Guide 
    Georgetown Law’s research guide on how to research asylum cases and track human rights conditions by country.
  • Immigration/Human Rights on the Web Research Guide
    Georgetown Law’s research guide.  Primary and secondary sources concerning general human rights, with emphasis for international women’s human rights.
  • The Immigration Law Portal
    Siskind Susser PC, a private law firm website providing immigration resources, such as (1) ABC’s of immigration, (2) in-depth information portals, and (3) how to hire the right immigration attorney.
  • Office on  Trafficking in Persons
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website providing information about federal programs, resources, and benefits available to refugees and victims of human trafficking. The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Program (ATIP) identifies and serves victims of human trafficking, assisting foreign trafficking victims in the United States to become eligible for public benefits and services to the same extent as refugees.
  • Unaccompanied Children Resource Center
    Provides information about upcoming trainings, including e-learning courses, as well as service opportunities to assist unaccompanied children.

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