Child Abuse Resources

Legal Aid Sites by Subject Area

Child Abuse

      • American Bar Association: Parent Representation
        Guidelines for legal representation of parents in abuse/neglect cases.
      • American Bar Association: Representation of Children 
        24 page PDF document providing standards of practice for lawyers representing children in abuse and neglect cases.
      • Childhelp
        National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453 (1-800-4-A-Child) Provides treatment programs such as Childhelp Advocacy Centers and Childhelp Group Homes to help children already affected by child abuse, and prevention programs such as Childhelp Speak Up Be Safe for Educators.
      • Children and Youth Victimization and Trauma
        16 page PDF document created by the Safe Start initiative, funded by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, providing intervention tips for practitioners to help juveniles who have experienced victimization and trauma.
      • Family Justice Center Alliance
        Webinars on child abuse and domestic violence.
      • National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. 
        1-888-818-7662. Provides on-going emotional support to survivors of homicide victims, while also providing education, prevention, advocacy and awareness.
      • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
        A PDF cheat-sheet providing tips for working with children exposed to violence.
      • Yes I Can
        International Child Abuse Network – global provider of online information providing resources and information on child abuse and domestic violence. Offers facilitated chats in Spanish and English for victims and survivors of abuse of all ages.

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