Elder Law Resources

Legal Aid Sites by Subject Area

  • Elder Law (e.g. Elder Abuse, not Wills/Trusts/Estates)
    • National Center on Law & Elder Rights Provides legal tools, training, and resources for protecting older adults. 
    • Elder Justice Toolkit The Elder Justice Toolkit is a resource created by the National Center on Law & Elder Rights. It contains practical information on civil legal remedies, practice tips, and sample pleadings for attorneys seeking protection and redress for their clients who have experienced elder abuse. Multiple states’ perspectives are considered and used as examples, but the Toolkit is designed for national use.
    • Family Justice Center: Elder Abuse Webinars on elder abuse, from Family Justice Center:
    • National Center on Elder Abuse Provides tools and national resources in providing direct services, as well as training to identify and prevent elder fraud.
    • Protecting Residents from Financial Exploitation: A Manual for Assisted Living and Nursing Facilities Guide from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on how to detect and address elder financial abuse.
    • U.S. Department of Justice: Elder Justice Initiative Provides information, resources, and training materials to practitioners who handle elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation cases and who respond to the needs of abuse victims.
    • U.S. Department of Justice: Victim and Family Support List of agencies and support resources by state.
    • VictimConnect National Hotline for Crime Victims 1-855-4-VICTIM (1-855-484-2846). Provides information on victim rights, and referrals for national hotlines and links such as identify theft resource center, FINRA Securities helpline for seniors, etc.
    • National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) A map designed to provide easy access to information on reporting suspected abuse nationwide.
    • How to Screen for Elder Fraud and Abuse A guide by the American Bar Association providing trauma-informed screening questions to help you determine whether you should suspect elder abuse in legal clients.
    • Basic and Advanced Legal Training Topics on Elder Law Legal trainings from the National Center on Law and Elder Rights
    • Elder Justice Compendium (download) The Compendium is a resource hub for civil legal aid attorneys and advocates working with older adults, providing curated guidance on existing resources that are available to attorneys who are assisting victims of elder abuse.
    • Legal Risk Detector App The Legal Risk Detector App is a FREE program developed with Pro Bono Net that service providers can use to screen seniors for potential legal issues. Referrals are sent directly to the Center for Elder Law & Justice once the assessment is complete. The app is a web-based legal health “check-up” tool that allows medical personnel, social workers, and other allied professionals to screen older adults, including home bound people, for common legal issues, including abuse and financial exploitation.

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