It may be commonplace to say that God has instituted various governments and has delegated His authority to them in various ways, but speaking, for example, about the “government” of a family seems strange today. And even a bit scary.
Mark Bertrand says that we in the Church are pretty good at targeting failures of government when it comes to the state, but we need to do a much better job of thinking about governing well in the church and the family. What might that look like? How to think well about it? And who says, anyway? At one point, Mark suggests that listeners might be shouting “Hey, these guys are advocating theocracy! Or a bunch of little theocracies within a theocracy!” Are they?
Listen in and find out. Join Mark and C&G host Mike Schutt as they talk at length about the authority and roles of various governments in today’s world and the resources available to help them govern well. Would the state be changed if other institutions– family, church, state, corporations, universities– were governed well? Are these governments dependent on one another?
Walk through the discussion with them as they suggest that what the Bible envisions is “a community of governments with overlapping authority . . . all backstopped by divine revelation.”
We think you’ll find this an encouraging and informative discussion.
J. Mark Bertrand is a novelist and pastor living in South Dakota. His crime noir works are Back on Murder, Pattern of Wounds, and Nothing to Hide. His book [Re]Thinking Worldview:Learning to Think, Live, and Speak in this World (Crossway 2007) is a great primer on Christian thought and action, and he serves on the faculty of Worldview Academy. He blogs at the world-renowned Bible Design Blog, sharing thoughts and photos on a multitude of design issues. His initial claim to fame was that he was interviewed by Ken Myers on Mars Hill Audio Journal, volume 90, which also features Mike Schutt talking about Redeeming Law.
Mark was also a guest on Episode 46 of Cross & Gavel, the most downloaded episode in the podcast’s history. More recently, he joined Mike to discuss the “New Moralism” in Episode 70.
Cross and Gavel is a project of Regent University School of Law and Christian Legal Society. We value your comments. And if you enjoy the show, please rate us on iTunes.
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