Category: Blog

Who’s Giving What to Whom?

To understand this passage of Scripture requires a bit of law-school-like legal analysis. And in fact, on casual reading most people miss it—and miss a powerful, almost shocking, truth

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In-te-gra-tion, verb

At the core of the conception of a "Christian lawyer," or these devotionals . . . is the conviction that the integration of personal faith with all of life, including the law, is mandated by

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Legal Aid for Life

As pro-life Democratic Congressional candidate Chris Butler recently said, "When I looked at the over-representation of poor people and people of color in abortion rates, it more closely mirrored

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Remodeling or Reconstruction

There is a house right on main street in a small town near my home that has been the subject of conversation all over town for many months. It was a fine home, owned by one of the most

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