Who’s Giving What to Whom?

Who’s Giving What to Whom?

To understand this passage of Scripture requires a bit of law-school-like legal analysis. And in fact, on casual reading most people miss it—and miss a powerful, almost shocking, truth

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In-te-gra-tion, verb

In-te-gra-tion, verb

At the core of the conception of a “Christian lawyer,” or these devotionals . . . is the conviction that the integration of personal faith with all of life, including the law, is mandated by

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Legal Aid for Life

Legal Aid for Life

As pro-life Democratic Congressional candidate Chris Butler recently said, “When I looked at the over-representation of poor people and people of color in abortion rates, it more closely mirrored

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Remodeling or Reconstruction

Remodeling or Reconstruction

There is a house right on main street in a small town near my home that has been the subject of conversation all over town for many months. It was a fine home, owned by one of the most

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Surprisingly Refreshing

Surprisingly Refreshing

Early February is usually a particularly “dry” time. Winter has been in full force for two months now. By this time, cabin fever is running strong, and the prevailing feeling is to just “hunker down”

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Best Supporting Cast

Best Supporting Cast

Jesus, therefore, again groaning in himself came to the grave. And Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” . . . And when he had thus spoken he cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth.”

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Complaint Dismissed

Complaint Dismissed

Guest Author - Lynn BuzzardFor the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accusesthem before our God day and night. And they overcamehim by the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 12:10b, 11). Of the...

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“One Thing” (Five Times)

“One Thing” (Five Times)

"One Thing" (Five Times)Brent AmatoDo priorities have a priority in your life? Always a good and fair question, but especially at the start of a new year. Maybe this is because it is so hard a topic...

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Cases Not Yet Closed

Cases Not Yet Closed

Guest Author - Alan ButtonAs the deer pants for the water brooks,So my soul pants for Thee, O God.My soul thirsts for God, for the living God;When shall I come and appear before God? …O my God, my...

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Christ’s Body on Earth

Christ’s Body on Earth

Christ's Body on EarthKen LiuOn Christmas Day, we celebrate the glorious miracle of the Incarnation – the Lord of the universe who deigned to be born in the body of a baby boy, to be "tabernacled"...

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The Strength of Weak Ties

The Strength of Weak Ties

Anton SorkinHaving come to the end of my first semester at the helm of Law Student Ministries and after extensive time on the road visiting campuses in California, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and...

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Multiple Choice Quiz: God is Most Like…

Multiple Choice Quiz: God is Most Like…

Guest Author - Lynn Buzzard God is most like:A. A PolicemanB. A JudgeC. A LegislatorD. None of the above  I can’t do that. My heart will not let me utterly destroy them. Because I am God and not...

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Why Retreat?

Why Retreat?

Brent AmatoChristian Legal Society, as part of its ministry to lawyers and law students, provides not only its annual national conference, but also regional retreats. In the coming months, these are...

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Time Poverty: A Real Burden

Time Poverty: A Real Burden

Ken LiuMotivational speakers are fond of saying we all have the same 24 hours in a day, so "I don't have time" is not a good excuse. Sure, that’s a great inspirational message for those who have the...

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The Difficult Road Ahead

The Difficult Road Ahead

Lakuita Bittle “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow...

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The Namárië Forum: An Introduction

The Namárië Forum: An Introduction

The Namárië Forum: An IntroductionAnton SorkinEvery school year, students will gather on their respective college campuses and be inundated by the practical applications of a life east of Eden. A...

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They Just Don’t Get It

They Just Don’t Get It

They Just Don't Get ItGuest Author - Lynn Buzzard"Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they...

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Do Not Deny Justice

Do Not Deny Justice

Ken LiuGod commanded His people: "Do not deny justice to your poor people in their lawsuits" (Exodus 23:6). But what if the poor can’t even get their day in court? For most of the poor in the U.S....

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What is Equality?

What is Equality?

David Nammo If you have kept up with recent news you may be aware that the current powers that be in Washington, D.C. have their sights set on the Equality Act.   CLS’ Kim Colby has a lot to say...

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Blessed Good Friday, Ye Poor in Spirit

Blessed Good Friday, Ye Poor in Spirit

Guest Author - Rick Campanelli "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matt 5:3 by Rick Campanelli It is Good Friday. Good Friday helps us contemplate what it means to...

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We All Need Somebody to Lean On

We All Need Somebody to Lean On

Ken Liu You just call on me brother          When you need a hand          We all need somebody to lean on           - "Lean On Me," Bill Whithers  Recently I spoke with a woman Ginny (not her real...

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Free-market justice?

Free-market justice?

Ken LiuSupreme Court Justice Hugo Black stated in 1956, "There can be no equal justice where the kind of trial a man gets depends on the amount of money he has." (Griffin v. Illinois.) More than a...

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Between Christmas and Easter

Between Christmas and Easter

Mike Schutt Tuesday was the 850th “anniversary” of the murder of Thomas Becket on the steps of Canterbury Cathedral by King Henry’s knights. The commemoration on December 29 is often seen as a...

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Merry Christmas from Christian Legal Aid

Merry Christmas from Christian Legal Aid

Ken Liu Joshua was a child born out of wedlock to a teenage mom in a middle eastern country. Under persecution from an autocratic government, his family fled as refugees to a neighboring country....

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Textualism Had a Great Fall

Textualism Had a Great Fall

Reed SmithThe Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which amends Title VII to include sexual orientation and gender identity, has long-reaching applications. The Court cannot say, on...

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Asylum in the United States

Asylum in the United States

Ken Liu Christian Legal Society presented a free webinar, Asylum in the United States:  An Overview of the Law and Recent Changes & Special Considerations for Christian Legal Aid Clinics, for...

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Bad Things Happen in Philadelphia

Bad Things Happen in Philadelphia

Reed Smith Long before the first presidential debate, bad things happened in Philadelphia.  Bad things were already happening in Philadelphia in 2018, when the City of Philadelphia ended its...

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Protecting Indigent Tenants In A Time Of COVID

Protecting Indigent Tenants In A Time Of COVID

As COVID-19 hit this spring and workers were let go by the millions across the country, the federal government and many state governments ordered moratoriums on evictions. All of these moratoriums have either recently expired or about to expire, at the same time that extra federal unemployment benefits are also ending. Even before the pandemic, 25% of all renters in the U.S. were already overburdened, paying more than half their income in rent.

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Mike Schutt

Director, CLS Law School Fellows

Alanna Walker

Grants Coordinator

Michelle Williams

Law Student Ministries Coordinator



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