Credit Card, Cash, Check or Money Orders by Mail
Use our Donation Form to make a secure credit/debit card (MC/Visa, Disc, or Amex) or to set up a monthly recurring gift.
Checks or Money Orders should be made out to the Christian Legal Society.
PayPal Giving
Click here to give to the ministry and work of CLS through PayPal.
Mail your donation to:
Christian Legal Society
P.O. Box 7712
McLean, VA 22106-7712
Federal Tax ID: 36-6101090
Legacy Giving
Double Your Impact Now Through CLS’ Endowment
Thanks to the generosity of one of CLS’ founders, every dollar up to $500,000 bequeathed to CLS’ Endowment will be matched dollar for dollar right now!
Time is limited to take advantage of this unique matching opportunity. CLS must match this grant in full —through commitments or direct gifts—by the end of March 2023 to receive the matching funds.
CLS is committed to serving Jesus Christ through the practice of law, the defense of religious freedom, and the provision of legal aid to the poor and needy.
By including CLS in your will, you help to provide the financial support essential to achieving our long-term goals and implementing larger scale programs than the demands of our yearly budget allows.
It helps ensure that the Word of God is—and forever will be—proclaimed by faithful Christian attorneys in the legal profession.
We ask that you consider joining with others who have decided to leave a legacy with CLS by including CLS in your legacy plan today.
Leaving a charitable bequest in your will or living trust is a very simple, but important, way to help CLS over the long term.
To make a charitable bequest, please review the following language with your attorney:
I give, devise, and bequeath to Christian Legal Society (insert amount, percentage, or remainder of estate) to be used for general purposes (or your designated purposes).
You may also:
- Name CLS as the beneficiary of your retirement account or insurance policy.
- Establish a charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, or charitable lead trust.
- Consider giving to CLS with your Mandatory Minimum Distribution from your IRA or retirement account. Your IRA or retirement account can be directed to CLS and never be subject to taxation.
Remember, CLS’ Endowment match is only available for a limited time. To qualify for the Endowment match please return this form to CLS soon!
We want to share with you the importance of leaving a legacy with Christian Legal Society today. Please let us know you are interested in learning more by emailing us at [email protected].

IRA Required Mandatory Distribution
The popular gift option known as the IRA Charitable Rollover is now a permanent part of the tax code.
This is good news for IRA owners over 70 1/2 who want to support the work of Christian Legal Society (CLS). You can satisfy required minimum distribution requirements by making a tax-free qualified charitable distribution from your IRA directly to CLS.
In many cases you can meet the required mandatory distribution requirements by making a charitable gift from your IRA.
Designating CLS as recipient of your required mandatory distribution offers a non-cash gift option to allow you to be part of CLS’ vital ministries to defend students’ right to gather on campus, to provide critical legal aid to 135 underserved communities through Christian Legal Aid programs, and to challenge, encourage and equip Christian law students and attorneys to a deeper understanding of Biblical truth in the law.
Not only will you be joining us in this critical work, but you also have the potential for tax savings and the ability to partner with CLS on an even greater level.
Donating your IRA required mandatory distribution to CLS will help you:
- Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $100,000 from your IRA to CLS
- Satisfy your required minimum distribution requirement for the year
- Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions
- Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts
- Allows you to participate in the work of CLS without making an out-of-pocket cash gift
If you would like to donate your IRA required mandatory distribution to CLS, please contact your financial institution immediately, as paperwork will need to be completed prior to each year-end.
In order for CLS to properly thank you for you gift, please let us know that you will be making a gift of IRA required mandatory distribution. Please contact CLS’ CFO, Peter Smith, at [email protected].
Checks should be mailed to:
Christian Legal Society
P.O. Box 7712
McLean, VA 22106-7712
Federal Tax ID: 36-6101090
If your financial institution prefers to wire the gift, please provide this information:
Morgan Stanley
C/o The Veridical Group
702 King Farm Blvd Suite 500
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 556-2370
DTC # 0015
For the benefit of Christian Legal Society (083-036199)
Donor Advised Funds
Your partnership allows CLS to continue our critical work to defend students’ right to gather on campus for religious purposes, to fight the aggressive overreach of the ABA through Model Rule 8.4(g), to provide critical legal aid to 135 underserved communities through Christian Legal Aid, and to challenge, encourage and equip Christian law students and attorneys to a deeper understanding of Biblical truth in the law.
When submitting a grant recommendation to your donor advised fund, please use the following information:
Organization Name: Christian Legal Society, Inc.
Federal Tax ID: 36-6101090
Payment Address: 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 302, Springfield, VA 22151
Contact: Peter Smith, CFO, 703-642-1070 ext. 503 | [email protected]
Stock Gift
Transferring securities held long term to Christian Legal Society (CLS) allows you to make a gift and receive a charitable deduction equal to the full, fair market value of the securities.
It’s a win-win! You pay no capital gains on your gift and neither does CLS.
Avoid selling the assets and then making a gift of the proceeds, because this will trigger a capital gains liability for you.
The process is fairly simple to support CLS with a stock gift just contact your broker and electronically transfer the stock from your account to CLS’ account at Morgan Stanley.
In order for CLS to properly receipt your gift, please contact us to know that you will be making a gift of stock. You can reach CLS’ CFO, Peter Smith at [email protected]. Please provide your name, your phone number, the name of the stock you are giving and the number of shares (e.g. 30 shares of Amazon)
Have your broker submit a copy of the letter of instruction to:
Morgan Stanley
C/o The Veridical Group
702 King Farm Blvd Suite 500
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 556-2370
DTC # 0015
For the benefit of Christian Legal Society (083-036199)
If you would like to donate a stock certificate to CLS please mail it to 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 302, Springfield, VA 22151
Mutual Funds and Special Securities Gift
Transferring securities held long term to Christian Legal Society (CLS) allows you to make a gift and receive a charitable deduction equal to the full, fair market value of the securities.
It’s a win-win! You pay no capital gains on your gift and neither does CLS.
Avoid selling the assets and then making a gift of the proceeds, because this will trigger a capital gains liability for you.
The process is fairly simple to support CLS with a gift just contact your broker and electronically transfer the stock from your account to CLS’ account at Morgan Stanley.
Mutual Funds & Special Securities (including private stock, tendered stock and restricted stock)
Instruct your broker to transfer special securities to the address in the box. For special securities, submit a completed letter of instruction and your most recent mutual fund statement to the address below.
Have your broker submit a copy of the letter of instruction to:
Morgan Stanley
C/o The Veridical Group
702 King Farm Blvd Suite 500
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 556-2370
DTC # 0015
For the benefit of Christian Legal Society (083-036199)
If you would like to donate a stock certificate to CLS please mail it to 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 302, Springfield, VA 22151
Thank you for supporting Christian Legal Society!
Your partnership allows CLS to continue our critical work to defend students’ right to gather on campus for religious purposes, to fight the aggressive overreach of the ABA through Model Rule 8.4(g), to provide critical legal aid to 135 underserved communities through Christian Legal Aid, and to challenge, encourage and equip Christian law students and attorneys to a deeper understanding of Biblical truth in the law.
- As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, contributions to CLS are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes as allowed by law.
- Christian Legal Society is accredited by ECFA and holds a 4-star rating with Charity Navigator.