Lisa Nelthropp Prevails after Unlawful Firing for her Faith

Legal Issue(s): Free Speech

Court: N/A

Case Status: Success

Center's Role: Counsel

Case Description

After Ms. Nelthropp and two coworkers mutually discussed their religious beliefs and worldviews at work over lunch, Ms. Nelthropp was fired from her job for “bringing her personal beliefs into the workplace.” Though several employees participated in the discussion, Ms. Nelthropp was the only employee to be terminated. The Center, in conjunction with the Whiting Law Firm, filed a religious discrimination complaint with the Maine Human Rights Commission and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on behalf of Ms. Nelthrop. The complaint alleged that Ms. Nelthropp’s employer illegally fired her because of her religious beliefs in violation of federal and state laws. In the end, the Center was able to negotiate a settlement in the employment discrimination case, delivering a win for the client.

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