Other Legal Aid Resources

We hope you will find these publicly available resources related to legal aid and pro bono legal services helpful.

NOTE: The links below are provided merely as informational resources and do not constitute endorsements or recommendations by CLS.

General Legal Aid Resources

Provides interactive legal forms, directory of free legal aid programs, and information about legal rights to low to moderate income clients.

Law Help Interactive
Printable legal forms, sorted by state and subject matter.

Legal Aid Research
Documents about civil legal aid research.

The Legal Aid Society – Pro Bono Handbook – PDF
A nine-page handbook showing Legal Aid offices how to connect attorneys with pro bono cases.

Pro Bono Net
For legal aid attorneys and others, provides training and reference materials, by geographic region, and a directory of pro bono services and legal aid organizations

Self-Represented Litigant Network
Resources for individuals representing themselves in court.

State Bar Associations
List of pro bono legal services, listed by state.

Free and low cost legal information and forms (commercial site).

“Justice Tech” websites (compiled by Paladin, a pro bono management software company)
Public database of nonprofit, for-profit, and hybrid organizations committed to helping solve the access to justice crisis through technology. These innovative organizations strive to make the law more accessible for low-income individuals and attorneys who serve them.  Notable examples:

  • Athena – Helps struggling moms recoup unpaid child support.
  • Courtroom5 – Provides litigation support for self-represented litigants, including legal research and drafting motions.
  • DoNotPay – A mobile app helping clients dispute parking tickets, fight robocalls, request refunds, and other consumer problems.
  • Easy Expungements – Helps apply for expungements of criminal records.
  • RoadtoStatus – Do it yourself software for preparing immigration paperwork.

Federal Agency Legal Aid Resources

U.S. Department of Justice: List of Pro Bono Services
U.S. Department of Justice’s list of pro bono legal service providers, by state.  Lists languages spoken and types of cases taken by the service provider.

National court records database
Information on local court records, prison records, background information on people, and local government offices.

U.S. Department of Justice: Federal Agencies
U.S. Department of Justice’s resource page of examples of grants, training and technical assistance, plus other Federal resources of particular interest to civil legal aid for underserved populations.

U.S. Department of Justice: Forms
Large database of Department of Justice forms; can sort by agency or form title.

Do You Need Help?

Christian Legal Society offers legal assistance for those in need through CLS’ network of Christian Legal Aid clinics and Christian Attorneys’ directory. CLS’ Center for Law & Religious Freedom is also available to address issues related to the infringement of religious freedom.

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