Social Security Resources

Legal Aid Sites by Subject Area

Social Security

  • Children – Social Security Benefits 
    PDF – basic guide to obtaining Social Security benefits for children.
  • Disability Benefits – What You Need To Know When You Get SSD 
    PDF – booklet from the Social Security Administration explaining the rights and responsibilities of those who receive disability benefits from Social Security.
  • Handbook: Social Security
    Basic guide to Social Security programs.
  • Hearings and Appeals Process 
    Information about Social Security’s hearings and appeals process under the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review; including how to request a hearing, and file an Unfair Hearing complaint.
  • Request for Reconsideration
    Form SSA-561: If a client applied for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits and were denied for medical reasons, he or she may request an appeal online.
  • U.S. Social Security Administration
    Official website of SSA; can apply for retirement, disability, and manage benefits, and obtain publications.  Summary: Social Security is a federal program that pays monthly benefits to aged, blind and disabled people. In some cases, other family members may also be eligible to get benefits off your Social Security account.
  • Working While Disabled
    PDF Booklet about social security’s disability benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

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