2025 Northeast Regional Retreat
The Heritage Hotel, Southbury, CT (see below for link to the hotel)
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025
Are you located in the Northeast United States? We’d love to see you at the 2025 CLS Northeast Regional Retreat! While this retreat is targeted toward those hailing from the Northeast US region (Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, D.C., and Maryland), all are welcome to attend.
“Lives that count but don’t burn out”
Speaker: Charlie Drew
Focus of the weekend
We all want our lives to count, and we pursue that sense of value in numerous ways, some good and some not so good. We also want to enjoy life—to find rest in the midst of our efforts to rise to life’s challenges. God wants both of these good things for us even more than we do, and he shows us how this can happen. Through a series of talks, small group discussions, and private reflections we will explore God’s wisdom on this double agenda by considering some of the things Jesus said and did in John 13-17.
Teaching Schedule
Talk and small group discussion # 1 (Friday night): Abiding in Christ: How to have lives that count but don’t burn out
Talk and small group discussion # 2 (Saturday AM): Abiding in Christ’s words
Talk and small group discussion # 3 (Saturday PM): Abiding in Christ’s love
Talk and small group discussion # 4 (Sunday AM): Abiding in prayer and mission
Biographical Information:
Charlie Drew is a pastor, teacher, and author. He pastored churches in Charlottesville, VA, Long Island, and Manhattan before retiring in 2017 from Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, which he founded in 2000. Since then, Charlie has been teaching seminarians and pastors under the auspices of Redeemer City to City, focusing on preaching and calling. For two years he served as interim lead preacher at Redeemer East Side in Manhattan. Charlie’s books include Surprised by Community: Republicans and Democrats in the Same Pew, The Ancient Love Song: Finding Christ in the Old Testament, and A Journey Worth Taking: Finding Your Purpose in This World. He was educated at Harvard and Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). Father of two and grandfather of four, Charlie lives in New York with his wife Jeannie.
Here is link to the hotel’s website .
Law Student Scholarships
As a reminder, Attorney Ministries teams up with Law Student Ministries each year to sponsor law student scholarships at ALL of our regional retreats. We want students to attend at a discounted (or even free) registration rate and enjoy wholesome fellowship. If you and/or your friends are interested in attending, register today and apply for a scholarship (download the document, fill in, and send to send to Anton Sorkin [email protected]).
If you would like to make a donation towards the retreat to offset costs, including covering a law student’s expenses to attend, please do so here: https://www.christianlegalsociety.org/NEdonations/
New Attorney Scholarships
If you are a new attorney (practicing less than 5 years or new to the body of Christ), we want to encourage you to attend the upcoming regional retreat. It is our desire that finances not be a hindering factor for your attendance. To apply for a scholarship, please download the document, fill in, and send to [email protected]
- Attorney (Single Occupancy) – $598
- Attorney (Double Occupancy) – $448
- Local Residents (no lodging) – $248
- Attorney Spouse (with paying attorney) – $448
- Law Students and/or Law Student Spouses (double occupancy only) – $148